Ask a Founder: Should I sell my company or keep trying to grow?

A sale happens not because you want to sell, but because someone wants to buy


Two poems

Erasures of handwritten notes taken at a job investigating workers' compensation claims in the insurance fraud industry


Ask a Founder: How do I hire someone and have them succeed?

Founders can make or break a company, and getting over oneself is the key


The inverted miracle of accidents

A senior scholar at the National Academy of Engineering explains why human error is a symptom—not the reason—for most safety failures


All my terrible tech sons

In Burn Book, Kara Swisher looks back at a journalism career close to—and critical of—power. To what end?


A clean house

The economics of CleanTok and making domestic labor public


Hal Daumé III is a language person

The University of Maryland professor and Microsoft principal researcher on why we should stop worrying about autonomous AI systems and start thinking more about building systems that help people


No strikes again

On labor in Las Vegas and the true costs of the Super Bowl

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